Fostering students’ appropriations of science norms

This project will compare student interaction within three different astronomy activities to determine which sorts of tasks best promote students’ appropriation of science norms. Understanding how and when students use scientific norms to evaluate each other’s work will help educators design better science learning activities both at UCLA Lab School and in other settings. The project will be conducted in Upper I during winter and spring quarters. If your child participates in this study, he or she will take part in brief interviews on his or her attitudes towards astronomy, past experiences with astronomy, and perceptions of the scientific norms most important during the astronomy unit. Students may be videotaped during the astronomy unit; however, the children of parents who have not consented to videotaping will not be filmed. As parents have already signed the UCLA Lab School blanket consent forms, they are not required to sign additional forms. Any questions about this study should be directed to Melissa Cook, Ph.D., at or 310-699-2308.