This study is part of a larger project that began in 2007, entitled “Children’s Negotiations Across Cultural, Class, and Linguistic Borders in Dual Language Schools: Assessing the Development of Transcultural Skills and Practices.” The researchers seek to understand better how immigration status and social class background influence children’s daily interactions, friendship choices and attitudes about others. In addition to observation during structured and unstructured time at school, students in the Upper and Intermediate levels will be interviewed, and questionnaires will be administered to children, their teachers and parents. Participants may be audio recorded as part of data collection. Both parental consent forms and student assent forms must be signed for students to participate. The study will be conducted primarily by Elizabeth White, a Ph.D student at UCLA, and Dr. Rashmita Mistry, Assistant Professor of Education. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Mistry at (310) 825 6569 or (Additional consent)