Task Framing Study

The aim of this project is to study the impact of task framing on children’s motivation and performance. We want to examine how framing an activity as task vs. a test will influence children’s performance on a set of math problems. We suspect that children with a fluid (as opposed to a fixed) view of intelligence may be more sensitive to framing differences. To test this, we will ask children to complete a set of questionnaires that measures their beliefs about the nature of intelligence (fixed vs. malleable). We will then ask children to complete two blocks of math problems. In between blocks, we will manipulate the manner in which we frame the second block of math problems. For one group of children, the subsequent block of problems will be described as a math task. While for another group of students, the subsequent block of problems will be described as a math test. At the completion of both blocks of math problems, we will ask children to answer a series of post-test questionnaires aimed at ascertaining children’s attitudes about the task they just took. This study will take a total of 20-30 minutes to complete. Any questions about this study should be directed to Gerardo Ramirez at gerardoramirez@ucla.edu