The Buzz Behind the Bees: Understanding Pollinator Communication Through Play

Inquiry, Playful Learning

Primary Students – 6 & 7 year olds

Bees are incredibly complex creatures. Their perfect hives, symmetry, and intricate group dynamics are a marvel to us humans. Their complex behavior makes them a fascinating subject for study. Over the past year, primary classrooms have collaborated with CONNECT Researcher Dr. Christine Lee to investigate the intersection between plants, pollinators, and people. This blog post dives into one of our most exciting lessons, the Waggle Dance, and why it was an essential part of our educational journey.

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Learning the Structure and Function of Flowers

Primary Students - 6 & 7 year olds

Inquiry, Playful Learning

Image 1. Students begin their dance (left) of the parts of the flower (right [1])

This year CONNECT Researcher Dr. Christine Lee and Demonstration Teacher Anna Terrazas (Rooms 3 & 4) have been collaborating in designing playful learning as a way of understanding the structure and function of flowers. During this winter quarter, I had the opportunity to observe a dance put together by the students. The students created this dance to show how they understand and represent the structure and function of flower parts (see Image 1).

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Dancing Through the Parts of a Flower

Early Childhood Education-ECII 5 year olds

Inquiry, Playful Learning

In the world of education, innovative approaches are constantly emerging to engage students in meaningful and memorable learning experiences. One such experience unfolded in the lab school classrooms recently as we delved into the fascinating realm of flowers, turning a lesson on flower parts into a dance-filled exploration. But why introduce movement into the learning process and how did this process look like?

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